Friday 8 November 2013

Romsey + Geese

Friday 8th November 2013

Today's offerings come from Romsey, where we did some shopping this morning then took a detour to Sadler's Mill to see if we could see any salmon leaping. We stopped on the bridge over the River Test looking across Broadlands Estate to Broadlands House, and the scene was like something out of an old Constable painting (it probably doesn't look like it in the photo but for some reason that's what came in to my mind). 

The River Test on Broadlands Estate.

A few minutes later I heard the distinctive sound of geese flying towards us.  As they went overhead they made two massive v shapes and I was surprised by just how many there were,  I managed to take a photo of the smaller group and I think I counted about 26 geese in it.

I was really pleased to see these geese, they made my morning!

I have seen salmon leaping at Sadlers Mill in the past but unfortunately it was not meant to be today.  We stood under an umbrella waiting patiently, there was plenty of water but a distinct lack of anything fishy leaping or trying to leap anywhere.  We walked back through King John's House in Romsey where there were lots of juicy looking rose hips just asking to be photographed.

Rose hips and teasels.

Rose hips.

And that is it for today, just a few snippets, but I thought the geese were well worth noting.

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