Friday 6 September 2013

Testwood Lakes and Being Stung by a Wasp - Twice!!!!

Friday 6th September 2013

As this afternoon seemed to be nicer than the weatherman had forecast we had a quick trip to Testwood Lakes near Totton.  We went to try and find three geocaches but only found one of the three despite our best efforts - and believe me one of them was very trying. 

Testwood Lakes.

Shortly after taking this photo we saw a kingfisher dart by in a streak of turquoise on the lake next to this one.

We were at this spot last on the 1st January this year and there are photos on this blog showing the river flowing over this bridge, well, the water is much lower now.

There was masses of Himalayan Balsam,  apparently it's an invasive non-native species.

At this point we spent some time looking for a cache that was hidden in a log, unfortunately it was right next to a wasps nest - so we read on  the cache details after the inevitable happened - and I got stung twice by a wasp on the bottom!!!!!!  I think most of the people in the surrounding cottages knew about it!!!! We had a bit more of a search for the cache then gave up, beaten again. Walking after this was a little bit tender to say the least, still it gave the others something to laugh about for the rest of the walk.

The River Test.

A Great Crested Grebe.

On the way back on one of the lakes we spotted this very cool Great Crested Grebe. Testwood Lakes is a great place for wildfowl and for walking but I do wish dog owners would clear up after their dogs. (Don't get me started on that one!)

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