Thursday 5 September 2013


Thursday 5th September 2013

On the way to Calshot today we stopped off at Blackfield to successfully find a geocache. We had parked the car next to a cemetery and decided to have a look and see how old the oldest graves were.  As I opened the gate, I saw something move under it and it was this ..........

an adder
 (I don't think it was very pleased to see us and it soon slithered off into the undergrowth).

On to Calshot and a picnic on the beach - another lovely day with plenty of people making the most of it.
Calshot looking across the end of Southampton Water as it joins the Solent.

Cool and inviting on a hot afternoon.

Lots of activity on the water - a hovercraft.

We sat on the beach for a while, taking in all of the comings and goings on the sea then had a walk down to the castle at the end of Calshot Spit where we saw these boats;

Border Force apparently.

The Isle of Wight ferry (Southampton to Cowes).

Something fast!!!!

Well, we've certainly made the most of the last couple of days as this could be the last of the really good weather - I hope it's not though.

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