Tuesday 24 September 2013


Tuesday 24th September 2013

We walked just over three miles on a circular route around Durley this morning in an attempt to find fifteen geo-caches.  We failed to find the first two so were a little down hearted but things began to look up when we came out from under the trees and the GPS began working again - it doesn't like it under heavy leaf cover - the joys of modern technology!!  In the woods there was lots of badger evidence some of which was recent, I would think one badger had a good old spring clean in it's sett last night.

Badger sett.

We then walked on various footpaths over farmland and along little lanes and successfully found the remaining caches, most of which were in quite unusual containers which made a pleasant change.
The maize fields looked good, there are fields and fields still to be harvested.

More colourful berries in the hedgerows.

By midday we were all getting a bit hot under the collar in the hot September sunshine - but it made a change after the rain in Cornwall last week!   However, autumn is on it's way as here and there the leaves are just beginning to change colour.  We also came across a few parasol mushrooms in a field.  These mushrooms are found from July to October and they start off egg shaped when young and flatten out with age, these were massive. 

A parasol mushroom (with a hand to show just how big the mushroom is).

We had a lovely walk, saw plenty and found our 900th geo-cache - epic,

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