Thursday 19 September 2013

Little Petherick Creek & First to Find

Thursday 19th September 2013

After another wet and miserable start to the day this afternoon promised to be better so armed with that thought we went for a walk along Little Petherick Creek towards Padstow (we did part of this walk a few days ago) it was warm and sunny and very pleasant.  The tides on the creek have been very high and very low and the tide was well out when we spotted these egrets fishing - not great photos again I realise!

Egrets stealthing about on the edge of the river on the creek.

Honeysuckle flowers and berries.

The footpaths are beginning to look quite autumnal.

Looking towards Padstow with an obelisk on the hill top.  When the tide comes in the whole of this area fills, it's amazing the amount of water that moves about.

A very peaceful spot near the creek.

The reason for us walking back along the creek again today was that a new geo-cache was published a couple of days ago and as no-one had found it we decided to give it a go ourselves.  Luckily we found the cache and retrieved it fairly easily to find that we were the first to find it. We have found 889 caches over the past few years and have never been the first to find one so this was an achievement for us and I was very pleased - easily pleased obviously! It was well worth the effort of walking and sliding through mud and clambering over stiles (and believe me there were a few of these) to get to it.

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