Thursday 26 September 2013

Autumn is Coming

Thursday 26th September

Autumn, as I said a few days ago is definitely on the way.  We had a swift two mile walk on Southampton Common this morning and the signs are there.

The oak tree leaves are turning and the acorns are dropping - luckily not on me!

Half way round the circuit of the common we stopped off to see the swans on the boating lake.  I wrote about this lovely family last on August 15th, less than a week later on a walk we noticed one of the cygnets was missing.  There were five cygnets when we first saw them back in June, there were still five in August which I was surprised about but now it seems there are only four. Today the family were still there, the adults and four cygnets on a lake that did seem very murky.

Leaves are beginning to fall and there is a real earthy smell of autumn.  This morning it was a bit misty too.

Anyway, dogs........... how many dogs did we see on the common in just over two miles taking forty minutes?  Forty...... forty dogs of different breeds, sizes and ages!!!!!  It has to be said that black labradors seemed to be the dogs to take out on a Thursday morning - lots of them about.

Almost back at the car we noticed this bit of a fairy ring.

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