Wednesday 18 September 2013

Constantine Bay, Booby's Bay & Trevose Head Lighthouse

Wednesday 18th September 2013

We had a walk of about five miles today along Constantine Bay and Booby's Bay to Trevose Head Lighthouse and on to Mother Iveys Bay.  It was a fantastic day, clear and sunny but cold and windy.   At least today we could wrap up against the cold, but when it rained earlier in the week there was no escaping the wet and did we get wet, every bit of clothing needed changing when we got back to the cottage, very grim.  The sea has livened up quite a bit since last weekend and it's now ideal for surfers, a few of which were out today doing their thing.

Constantine Bay - absolute bliss.

A large deep pool left by the tide in between the rocks.

Booby's Bay

Trevose Head Lighthouse

Mother Iveys Bay looking towards the Padstow lifeboat station.

We were hoping to show our daughter a seal or seals in this bay as we saw one here earlier in the year but it was not meant to be today, no seals in evidence.  We then walked back across farmland to the coast and back along the beaches we visited this morning.  We sat and people watched as the tide came in and changed the look of the beach again.  

The tide is getting higher each day at the moment so the tidal creek at the back of our holiday cottage now has a lot more water in it at high tide and it looks amazing.

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