Friday 27 September 2013

Fritham and an Adder

Friday 27th September 2013

Today's walk was a 5.7 mile circular walk from Fritham in the New Forest.  We found two geo-caches successfully, one of which was in the middle of nowhere and we were a bit dubious about finding it but to our surprise we went more or less straight to it.  We started off walking across the heathland where we came across a youngish female adder.  I don't think she was dead keen on having her photo taken because as soon as I had I taken this over exposed little number she disappeared into the heather.

A female adder.

Latchmore Brook with a few fallen leaves at the dam.

We stopped for a bite to eat at a very convenient wooden seat dedicated to Eric Ashby MBE, 1918 to 2003, naturalist, pioneer wildlife film maker and president of the New Forest Badger Group. 
A very comfortable chunky wooden seat carved with a badger and a fox, just right for ..........

dangling my feet off!

During our walk we came across a variety of fungi, here are some of the best.

I think this is an ink cap, but I have no idea what the previous two fungi are.  I have looked at fungi books before but identifying them seems a nightmare as there are many similar species.

Colourful ferns.

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