Tuesday 3 September 2013

Nuthatches, Long Tailed Tits and a Fox

Tuesday 3rd September 2013

I have a couple of quick notes from today. We had a walk on Southampton Common this afternoon and there were quite a few people about, but despite this there was lots of bird noise around - is it bird noise or bird song?  It sounds a bit rude to call it a noise when it was very nice!  Up in the trees we spotted a nuthatch twittering away, followed by another one and then another one on the other side of the path.  It's like the bus thing, you don't see one for ages and then they all come along at once. Then, whilst looking at the nuthatches we noticed there were a few long tailed tits flitting about making their own distinctive call - very good to see.

This evening, having dropped off our daughter for a night of clubbing, on my way home a fox ran across the road.  I don't see foxes very often, probably because I'm not up when they are out and about, so I was very pleased to have seen this one.  

A good day!

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