Saturday 1 June 2013

Hiltingbury Lakes

Saturday 1st June 2013

It's been six months since I started blogging about odds and ends that we observe whilst out walking or things that we notice in our garden and  It's whizzed by.  I have really enjoyed blogging and taking photos and it's been a great way to use my photos instead of them just lurking in cyber space!

Anyway, back to today's observations, we nipped up the road and walked from Hiltingbury Lakes in Chandlers Ford
It was a very pleasant day, warm and sunny with a nice breeze. 

More rhododendrons.

On the main lake there were lots of ducklings, this family included eight little babies.

This is the whole mallard family.

The little chap at the back (far left) was a fair bit smaller than his or her brothers and sisters and kept getting left behind, but it was still a speedy little mover.  There was also a moorhen family on the lake, and the four little fluffy moorhen babies were just all over the place, the mother must surely need a lie down in a darkened room after trying to look after that lot for any length of time!  The moorhen babies had enormous great feet compared to the size of their little bodies and they had little tiny wings (hardly wings, more like 'winglets').  There was also one solitary canada goose floating and gliding elegantly around, it pushed with it's feet once and glided along for ages, while the ducklings were paddling like crazy.

Below is a photo taken Thursday on a walk round Southampton Common.  It had rained lots overnight and the air smelt very fresh and woody, it's always hard to believe you are in the centre of town. 

The ornamental lake on Southampton Common.

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