Thursday 20 June 2013

Southampton Common - Family of Swans

Thursday 20th June 2013

This is just a quick post about our walk on Southampton Common this morning.  Luckily we took no notice of the weather forecast (as the predicted rain didn't happen all day and now the sun is out and it's a lovely evening) and went walking anyway. 

Look who we found on the boating lake, mum, dad and five cygnets.

The parents were quite protective and wary to start with but soon 'floated' the whole family across the lake to us (probably after food!)

Note the little chap front left - who appeared to be doing a form of swan yoga with his little leg in the air - this didn't look particularly comfortable.

Now, I realise our seasons are all a bit squiffy at the moment but fungus in June?

Very impressive though.

There were plenty of birds about - all the usuals, woodpigeons, crows, magpies etc and there were an unusual amount of robins all over the place. We also spotted a wren and a green woodpecker.  Good stuff.

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