Saturday 8 June 2013

Near Burley

Saturday 8th June 2013

This afternoon we joined the other millions of people making their way to the New Forest via Lyndhurst.  The traffic usually keeps flowing fairly well on the Ashurst to Lyndhurst road, but not today, we queued from almost Ashurst.  There appeared to be no reason for the congestion apart from the volume of traffic but at least it kept moving even if it was slowly.  We decided to look for a geocache near Burley - luckily it didn't involve going into the centre of Burley as that would have been busy!  We had a lovely three mile walk through woodland and across heathland. 

Mill Lawn Brook - a very pleasant spot, if you turn around from this spot you see.......

........ these very contented cows.

We usually come across ponies all the time in the New Forest and we don't see many cows on the loose, but this lot seemed very calm and weren't in the slightest bothered by us being there.  We successfully found the cache we went for and walked back through the cooler woodland.  There was a great deal of bird song this afternoon, we heard another cuckoo, the fourth of the year, chaffinches, blue tits, jays, magpies, blackbirds and another unidentified very tuneful little number (we are not good at identifying many birds by their songs).

The hawthorn blossom is just going over.

We didn't see many walkers this afternoon, but just as we were getting back to the car we came across a couple with two border collies, one of which decided we needed to be rounded up and kept running backwards and forewards checking that we were keeping up - now that sort of dog I like - he didn't bother us or want any attention just wanted to do what comes naturally to border collies!

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