Wednesday 19 June 2013

Rufus Stone - New Forest

Wednesday 19th June 2013

This muggy afternoon we had a very short walk from the Rufus Stone in the New Forest.  It was very warm and muggy but there was no sign of the sun unfortunately.  We had to get a few clues from the inscriptions on the stone to enable us to locate a geocache, which luckily we found with ease. 

The Rufus Stone.

We came across this dead old tree, but growing out of the top of the right hand smaller trunk was a large clump of buttercups - odd!

Common cottongrass.  This according to my wild flower book grows in very boggy ground with peaty acid soils.  This area was definitely boggy, we know this because .........
...........of the state of our daughters walking boots!

A very typically oak shaped oak tree.

Shortly after taking this photo a couple of fallow deer ran across behind the tree then pronked their way into the trees.  Pronked, I love this word.  The dictionary definition:
pronk - verb (of a springbok or other antelope) leap in the air with an arched back and stiff legs, typically as a form of display or when threatened.  I didn't think we were at all threatening but there you go! 

One other thing of note that we saw this afternoon was a stonechat flitting about and another odd thing, a man wearing shorts and long black socks!

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