Saturday 15 June 2013

Lee near Romsey

Saturday 15th June 2013

It was back to wearing coats for todays two mile walk on a footpath across part of the Broadlands estate.  It was threatening rain and blowing a gale - honestly! 

The estate workers have obviously been busy since our last visit a few months ago as some of the fields are now growing well.  In the first (very large) field we came to there were masses of runner beans (I think ) growing up wigwam constuctions - thousands of them - I have never seen so many of these in one place.

Runner beans anyone?

Rows and rows and rows of them!
Here we have another crop being protected by loads of flags - to keep the birds/deer off? As I said, the estate workers have been busy!

A couple of amorous harlequin ladybirds, the wiggling was good!!!!

The River Test.

There were lots of small birds in the hedgerows, especially chaffinches.  We also saw swifts and house martins near the old farm buildings and swooping low across the river - finding insects no doubtA buzzard was flying quite low overhead at one stage too.  Although the rain last night had made the river cloudier than normal we still managed to see trout stealthing about amongst the weed.  All in all, plenty spotted today in a relatively short walk.

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