Monday 24 June 2013

Baby Robin and Red Legs

Monday 24th June 2013

I had to post this quick note to say that we had the first baby robin of the year in the garden this afternoon.  I love robins and only mentioned yesterday that we haven't seen one in the garden for weeks.  This baby number was very cute and very independent, which was just as well as there was no sign of an adult.  He or she was still very baby like with a brown mottled chest - it will take a few weeks for it to go red - and quite happily searched out fallen seed bits under the feeder alongside the woodpigeons (a bit of a size difference going on  there, that's for sure!)

The other thing worth a mention is that last week we saw the red legs again (red-legged partridges that is) just down the road from us.  We had to stop in the car to let the pair of them dawdle across the road in front of us.  It was good to see two of them again as back a few months ago one was killed on the road and I thought that was the end of them.  They are a funny sight as I have said before, seeing them where we live on a housing estate.  They are very colourful round football like birds, but obviously fly well enough since I saw one on a rooftop a while back, now that did look odd.

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