Sunday 9 June 2013

Itchen Navigation

Sunday 9th June 2013

We went back to the Itchen Navigation again today to find that the swallows have returned to nest on the bridge under the M3, but in smaller numbers than last year.  It seemed that everyone had the same idea as us (well, not quite everyone!) this morning as there were lots of walkers about. 
Along the Itchen Navigation.

Badgers were here. 

There is one field along the route where the grass has been torn up like this all over the place.  Apparently this damage is done by badgers looking for crane fly larvae in the grass.

And over the stile onto a quieter footpath away from the river.

Stile to nowhere?  Where on earth this footpath is supposed to go is anyone's guess!

A well shorn sheep and her not so little lambs.

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