Tuesday 25 June 2013

Wade Hill Drove - Between Calmore & Ower

Tuesday 25th June 2013

We had a quick two mile walk this afternoon not far from junction 2 on the M27.  Despite being so close to the motorway it wasn't too noisy - until we crossed over it on a bridge!  We have seen a family of foxes playing in this area before, but not today.  However we did see millions and trillions of flies - on every available little puddle.  We haven't had much rain lately but there were still a few big puddles around, testing the leaking walking boots somewhat (really must get some new ones!)


I think we upset the cows by just looking over the gate at them.

There were lots of wild roses about, this one is a dog rose.

Along the hedgerow we spotted this ivy growing in a circle - it looked a bit wreath like, creepy!

Blue sky for once!  There were very friendly horses in this field last year, but this year it's planted with crops, I think it may be maize, but I'm no expert.

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