Wednesday 29 May 2013

Bombed by Lapwings - Stoney Cross

Wednesday 29th May 2013

We were back at Stoney Cross again this afternoon for a circular walk of just over three miles, as three new geocaches have been set there. There was plenty of wildlife around, including three large groups of deer, shetland ponies as well as lots of New Forest ponies, lapwings and a PEACOCK!  Now about this peacock - for years we have been visting the same spot on Stoney Cross and usually we hear peacocks but we have never tried to find them.  Today one of the geocaches was very close to their shreiking so we followed the noise and sure enough there was a peacock strolling across the forest close to a campsite.  We only got a brief glimpse of it before it flew up onto a high wall and disappeared into the garden of a house.  I wish I had had enough time to get a photo, but I think I will try again the next time we are out this way. 

We successfully found the geocaches that we were hoping to find and on the way to the last one we had to cross a small stream where lapwings were obviously nesting.  We must have been walking too close to their nest as one of the lapwings was dive bombing us and calling out to try and move us on quickly.  We met another couple out walking and apparently the bird had done the same thing to them and their dog!  We saw lots of deer in various groups but they were very nervous and there was no chance of getting very close to them.

Another birds egg shell, I'm always surprised by how bright the blue colour is.

Evidence of old buildings from when Stoney Cross was an airfield during the war.

A small stream that flows into the river Highland Water.

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