Sunday 26 May 2013

River Hamble

Sunday 26th May 2013

We walked this morning from Burridge near Botley on a circular 3 mile route, taking in two geocaches on route.  The sky was blue and the sun shone, quite an event! 

A leafy footpath.

Cow parsley - lots of it alongside the above leafy footpath!

The River Hamble.

The Fairy Tree

Not far from the edge of the River Hamble we came across this 'Fairy Tree' - apparently it's where children have brought gifts for the fairies for years - I'm not really sure about it myself, there was something a bit creepy about it!  There is even a lttle wooden house to leave messages for the fairies - needless to say I didn't - maybe next time!

Ramsons flowers - I think.

We saw and heard lots of wildlife today on a very pleasant walk in an area that is new to us. The only down side to the walk was that it got a bit hairy walking along a busy road with no footpath but we survived.  We saw a buzzard, long-tailed tits, a greater spotted woodpecker [and heard it's babies in a hole in a tree] quite a few badger holes and swathes of almost over bluebells.  We also saw lots of ramblers, a couple of canoeists, a fisherman and his reluctant partner who was carrying all the gear and wasn't impressed that it was all just for a couple of hours fishing!

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