Wednesday 8 May 2013

Rhinefield Ornamental Drive

Wednesday 8th May 2013

We had a 4 mile walk this afternoon from the Blackwater car park on the Rhinefield Ornamental Drive in the New Forest.  There must have been a fair bit of rain last night as there were dark peaty coloured puddles everywhere and the rain started again whilst we were out - quite a contrast to yesterday's weather.  We successfully found a geocache close to a deer conservation area where there was a largish herd of fallow deer out in the open.  The herd included two white deer that stood out a bit like a sore thumb - it must be difficult for them to stealth about!

Walking across the heathland we came across violets, dotted here and there along the edge of a very dark peaty coloured small streamI always remember my dad telling me that years ago violets used to smell, but nowadays they don't, I'm not sure if this is right but I sniff them every now and then and they certainly don't seem to smell.

Throughout much of our walk we heard a cuckoo, which I have been reading about lately and according to the RSPB cuckoos are becoming an increasingly rare sight in the UK, as fewer migrants return each year. 

Today I also noticed, for the first time this year, that the ferns are unfurling and beginning to grow.  The trees all around are such a bright fresh green at the moment it almost seems too bright.    We also saw a heron, canada geese and an egret. Another pleasant walk.

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