Thursday 23 May 2013

Squirrel on the Seeds

Thursday 23rd May 2013

Look who was hanging upside down in the forsythia tucking into the sunflower seeds in one of our feeders yesterday morning.

Not a very clear photo because it was taken through the dining room window!

He or she stayed for a few minutes then had a look round the garden and disappeared off in to the trees.  This morning he or she came back again (it's on to a good thing I reckon) and stayed upside down feeding for about 10 minutes.  I know I have said it a fair bit lately but this is another visitor we don't see very often, maybe once a year if that.  Although we live on a housing estate, there are large oak trees dotted around and woodland is not far away as the crow flies, so I wonder how far this squirrel has come from his/her home?

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