Monday 20 May 2013

Greater Spotted Woodpecker

Monday 20th May 2013

This is just a quick note to say that I saw a very infrequent visitor to our seed feeder this afternoon.  It was a greater spotted woodpecker, who really livened up the feeder with it's bright and cheerful colours.  It didn't stop for long but maybe it will return now it has found us, we'll see. 

Yesterday we saw the first baby greenfinch of the year being fed on the grass and a couple of days ago we saw the first baby starling, it's all go at the moment!  Another new visitor to our garden lately has been a crow (that I have named Russell!!!) we haven't seen one in ages, but it has been in to feed first thing in the morning quite a few times lately.  The other birds seem very wary of it and they either fly off or stand frozen to the spot watching it.  This seems a bit odd, as the small birds take no notice of the rooks and they are about the same size. 

Anyhow, that's it, time to indulge in watching the Chelsea Flower Show for an hour. 

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