Sunday 19 May 2013

Janesmoor Pond and Cadmans Pool

Sunday 19th May 2013

We took too much notice of the weather forecast today.  It was supposed to be very wet from 10am to 4pm, it's now gone 7pm and there's been no sign of rain.  Luckily this afternoon we risked it and went out to Stoney Cross to look for two geocaches.  The first was near Janesmoor Pond, this is normally very busy at the weekends but today it was quiet, maybe others took notice of the weather forecast too.  

We came across this wonky tree trunk, handy for a sit down if there hadn't been gorse under it!

Handy for telling the time maybe?

A couple of weeks ago these ferns were barely above the ground, they've done a bit of growing since then.

We moved on to Cadmans Pool a mile or so up the road.  This is a great place for spotting small birds, visitors often feed them and they are used to people and quite tame.  The whole car park is a flutter with birds.  Then there is the pond itself which is good for wildfowl.

Another lovely long legged foal.

There were three families of Canada Geese at the pond, with goslings of various ages.  These were the smallest ones, they were sitting at the edge of the pool when we arrived, but were wary of a dog (on a lead) so took off onto the water.

These little goslings were older but just as cute.

On and off during our short time out this afternoon we heard a cuckoo, for the third time this year.  All in all a good afternoon with plenty to see.

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