Saturday 18 May 2013

Near Sway

Saturday 18th May 2013

This afternoon in the sunshine we walked along a disused railway line near Sway in the New Forest.  There were two newish geocaches along this former railway line that is now a footpath and cyclepath.  We found both caches with ease and then walked across the open heathland back to the car.   We saw a kestrel, buzzard, cyclists, walkers, lots of dogs and even more dog poo!  Driving through the centre of Brockenhurst we saw donkeys, ponies and highland cattle wandering all over the place, (some of the highland cattle were happily munching away in a car park) it did seem very odd.

The coconut smell of gorse was everywhere.

Someone has been tidying out their nest. I'm not good at egg identification so can't say who has been busy housekeeping.

There were some very young quite unstable long leggy foals about, this one was following it's mother down an embankment, it was all legs but very cute! 

More gorse leaving the car park - us not the gorse that is (definitely didn't see any gorse on the move!)

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