Friday 4 September 2015

From Danebury to Longstock

Friday 4th September 2015

This is a walk we have done on a couple of occasions but as a new circuit of geocaches was recently published along this walk we had to give it a go.  The circuit was 4 miles and took in 17 geocaches, all of which we were fortunate enough to find fairly easily.
The hedgerows seemed quite dull and colourless with many plants having gone to seed but there are many berries about to liven things up a bit.  It didn't help that the weather was grey and a bit on the dull side, with rain threatening on and off all morning.

Dogwood berries.

Some of these cow parsley seed heads were amazing.

Spindle berries - quite an odd shape for a berry, I thought.

Why is it views look amazing when you are out but through the camera they look not a lot!

We haven't had much time for geocaching this year but we soon got back into the swing of it!

A field of hay cut and ready for baling.  On the way back there was an old fashioned machine in the next field baling up the hay into traditional rectangular small bales, it was good to see.

More flower heads turned to seed, with a ladybird having a nap!

And who lives in a hole like this?

Whilst looking for a cache in an ivy covered tree I spotted this little nest, just about hanging on.

And the view inside the nest!

A field of maize, almost ready it seemed.

Haystacks, even more old fashioned, the field looked like something out of the medieval times!

At the church lychgate in Longstock we had to answer a couple of questions to lead us to the next geocache and I particularly liked the carving of the shepherd and sheep. A lychgate is a roofed gateway to the churchyard, it was formerly used at burials for sheltering a coffin until the clergyman's arrival.  The term lych comes from the old English for corpse and a lychgate used to be known as a corpse gate.

Another disused phone box being used as a book swap, I love this idea!

Back in the countryside, the footpath went through a couple of fields of cows, now I'm not keen on cows, they are fine when I'm in a different field, they are just too big!  This cow appeared to be running the creche today, just her and seven calves ( not too threatening, all sitting down!)

Elderflower berries all shiny and new.

Along this part of the walk we found our 1200th geocache!

Guelder rose berries (I think!) these were a definite shiny splash of colour.

We then rejoined the original footpath and wandered on back to the car, a very pleasant walk, I can definitely recommend.

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