Wednesday 26 August 2015

Signs of Autumn

Wednesday 26th August 2015

Summer is just about hanging on, although the last few days have been a bit challenging at times, with much cooler temperatures and torrential rain. This afternoon the sun made an appearance for a while so we headed off to Durlston County Park for a quick walk.  It seemed as though many people had the same idea as it was busier today than it has been all summer. We started off in coats as the wind was quite cool off of the sea and once we were out of the wind the coat came off ........ and almost immediately I got bitten by a horsefly!  

Anvil Point Lighthouse (plus annoying telegraph pole!)

The signs of autumn were there, this tree was loaded with pears (or at least I think that's what they were, they had a distinctly pear shape in a very small way)

There were a few sloes around but not many, a bad year maybe?

Masses of Old Man's Beard as usual in a favourite spot.

Fungi in a circle, maybe a fairy ring?

Anvil Point Lighthouse (without the telegraph pole this time!)

At the Tilly Whim Caves - the location of the horsefly bite (the second one of the summer, they are a right pain, resulting in a very hot, aching, swollen tight bursting sausage like feeling in my arm for a couple of days).

It was nice to see a bit of swell on the sea for a change.

Pirate ship ahoy on the horizon.  I hope the people on it weren't prone to sea sickness as it was bobbing up and down big time, it made me feel a bit queasy just watching it.

Just lovely.

Last sign of autumn for today, blackberries - yum!

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