Sunday 23 August 2015

A Bird in the Hand Followed by a Toad in the Hand

Sunday 23rd August 2015

Summer has gone of that I am fairly sure - not that it ever really came in the first place this year! This morning the weather was dire, dark with heavy rain and Winnie the wood pigeon is proof of just how wet it was.  She seemed pleased to see me on our back steps, or rather seemed very pleased to see the suet I gave her, in fact once she'd eaten it she shook like a wet dog and sprayed me with water - several times.

This afternoon it dried up and the sun came out for a while so we got out for a walk in Hiltingbury, where I came across this little toad on the footpath.

Tiny and perfectly formed - a nice day for little toads I would imagine, there was no shortage of water that's for sure.

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