Thursday 6 August 2015

Nine Barrow Down

Thursday 6th August 2015

We had a lovely walk this afternoon from Ulwell in Swanage along the Purbeck Way towards Corfe Castle.  We parked the car in a large lay-by that has what looks like a spring flowing into a ditch along the edge of it, the water looked so clear and clean I had to take a photo of it.

After last night's gloomy weather, a bit of blue sky and sunshine was very welcome.  Looking towards Swanage Bay.

The rolling chalk hills.

We spent a while seeking out different places in Swanage, everything looked so small!

Dead trig point, live cow!  This trig point no longer appears on OS maps so I guess it has been decommisioned or whatever it is that happens to ex trig points!

Guess which way the wind normally blows!


We walked for about 2 miles to some tumuli where we successfully found a geocache then walked back more or less along the same route.

We saw a kissing gate like this a few weeks ago in this area, this one though.....

.........has City of London on it, I wonder what the story is behind it?  London isn't really on the doorstep.

Four miles walked, lots to look at from a great height including fantastic views of Poole Harbour and Swanage. 

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