Wednesday 5 August 2015


Wednesday 5th August 2015

It's not been very summery of late, in fact this evening it was more like late autumn it was so dull, dreary and blowy on the coast. We had a walk along the north end of the beach in Swanage - in coats, for goodness sake it's August, what's going on? There weren't many people about, and even less at this end of the beach away from the hustle and bustle of the town.  There was drizzle in the air along with rumblings of thunder and the odd strike of lightening out to sea, which together with a dark grey sky was quite moody .  It was quite fascinating looking at the many styles of beach huts built over the years, most of them traditional with modern ones thrown in. We walked on beyond the beach huts and groins further than we've walked before along this section of beach, where large parts of the sand were perfectly untouched, not a footprint in sight.  

Looking towards Ballard Down.

The lifeboat was on the move out in the bay, we wondered if it was a training evening?

A brisk walk and plenty of fresh air then back to watch the Great British Bake Off!!!

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