Saturday 5 September 2015

Kingston to Chapman's Pool

Saturday 5th September 2015

We're back in Swanage for a few days so this afternoon we drove the short distance to Kingston for a walk out to the coast and along to Chapman's Pool.  The weather was a bit dull again but it didn't matter we still enjoyed a lovely walk with fantastic views along the coast towards Portland and overlooking Chapman's Pool in the opposite direction.

The aim of this somewhat odd photo is to show the height of the (gone to seed) giant  hogweed above my head.  I am 5' 7, so it's fairly giant!

Looking across the Encombe Estate to the obelisk.

There were a few fields of bamboo as we walked across the estate, and it really sounded good as it rustled in the wind.

An interesting sky and fantastic views.

The view towards Portland.

Chapman's Pool.

It was a very steep descent down towards the coast then a gentle climb back up the valley, where we came across.......

Mum...... (looking a bit stroppy)

..............and baby!  (who was a proper poser!)

Now, yesterday I mentioned the fact that I am not keen on walking in fields of cows (they are just too big).  I like them as long as I'm not too near.  The problem here is that the footpath unfortunately goes straight through the middle of this lovely lot.  Luckily as we got nearer, the little calf sitting down on the left stood up and moved a little so I could slink round the side and just had to walk between two rather large cows.

We then left the footpath and joined a small lane that led into Kingston.  The eagle eyed one (not me!) spotted a fox legging it across an open field and it was certainly shifting.  It was really good to see it though. We walked on into the village and had a quick look round the church.

St James Church, Kingston.

A view of the main entrance, this church from the outside looked very epic for a little village but inside it seemed smaller and was quite cosy.

You can't beat a nice stained glass window.

And so ends another walk of about 3.5 miles, it's time for a cuppa!

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