Wednesday 30 September 2015

Grasmere to Elterwater and Back Via Loughrigg Tarn

Wednesday 30th September 2015

Unbelievably we have had another great walk in beautiful weather - this is getting far too good to be true.  We left Grasmere along the Red Bank Road and climbed up over to Elterwater.  At the top, before dropping down into Elterwater there were fabulous views overlooking the Lake at Grasmere.

 Considering it hasn't rained since we arrived on Saturday the footpath at this point was very boggy, muddy and wet.


It's the last day of September and a few foxglove flowers are still hanging in there - just!

We seem to be making a habit of unintentionally  frightening herdwick sheep on the footpath, although this one didn't seem overly bothered.

At Elterwater we followed the River Brathay along the Cumbria Way for about half a mile and that was probably enough as it was a very well maintained wide flat footpath with lots of people using it.  I did my wildlife rescue bit here, as there was a frog in the middle of the path, it looked a bit traumatised but seemed to move alright when I put it into the safety of the long grass.

Having climbed back up again we had to divert in amongst the bracken to find a geocache and as it happened it was a good move as it took us to a great viewpoint overlooking Lougrigg Tarn.  Bearing in mind we were in the middle of nowhere, a jackdaw obviously knew that picnics mean food and came to join us, I threw it bits of crust and it caught them mid air - he/she has definitely done this before!!!

Loughrigg Tarn. We skirted round the lake and walked up a lane where we spent a while trying to locate a squirrel that was making the odd noise that they sometimes make, despite our best efforts we couldn't see it and had to give up (we were hoping it might have been a red squirrel).   

Grasmere from Loughrigg Terrace.

Although it was nearly 3pm, these cobwebs (in a shady spot) were still covered in dew.

Another view of Grasmere as we descend to join the footpath that runs alongside the lake, where we saw..............

A stealthy heron!

In summary we walked just under 7 miles, saw some fanastic views, found 3 geocaches, saved a frog from getting squashed and thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine.

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