Thursday 17 September 2015

Steam Trains and a Tall Ship in Swanage

Thursday 17th September 2015

I thought I would share a few photos taken in Swanage today.  We walked into Swanage for a coffee mid morning and took a bit of a detour on the way back past the Swanage Railway where a steam train was being moved from a siding into a shed.  These trains are so well maintained and all by enthusiastic volunteers.  The trains always attract lots of attention especially from the bridge we were standing on.

While we stood watching, the steam train arrived from Corfe Castle, absolutely crammed with passengers.

Later on in the afternoon we spotted a tall ship out in Swanage Bay, from the garden, not a great photo, but you get the idea!

The Tall Ship Tenacious.

In the evening we popped into Swanage to take a look at it all lit up, it was a fair way out in the bay but with the help of a decent zoom lens we managed to take this  (well strictly speaking I didn't take it, my husband's did!).

Tall Ship Tenacious, for information see here

There's always something going on in Swanage and always plenty to see, we are lucky.

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