Monday 28 September 2015

Grasmere and Rydal Water - Lake District

Monday 28th September 2015

It was another amazing day weather wise today,  slightly misty early on but that soon cleared and the sun came out and stayed out all day.  We walked from Grasmere around the shore of the lake and on to Rydal Water where we stopped for a bit of lunch then skirted round the lake and returned to Grasmere along the Coffin Route, a favourite walk of ours over the years.

Looking across the lake at Grasmere, with Helm Crag (that we climbed yesterday) on the left in the distance.

Looking across the lake at Grasmere to the Daffodil Hotel in the distance.


And on to Rydal Water.  The fell opposite is Nab Scar and we walked back along the Coffin Route on the tree line about a third of the way up to get back to Grasmere.

Of course the locals joined us for lunch.

Not a bad spot for lunch!

The money tree on the Coffin Route back to Grasmere.

Rydal Water from the Coffin Route (so called because in  years gone by before there was  consecrated ground in Rydal or Ambleside - until the 16th century - coffins were brought by foot along this route to St Oswald's Church graveyard in Grasmere).  How on earth they managed to negotiate this path is beyond belief, it's up and down and very rough let alone a long old way to go - there are coffin stones along the route that were used to rest the coffins on to give the coffin bearers a rest.

This photo shows one of my very favourite smells, wood smoke, seen in the sun's rays.  Someone was burning pine wood on a bonfire as we dropped back down into Grasmere, past Dove Cottage one of William Wordsworth's homes.

Dove Cottage.

To summarise today's walk, we walked about 6 miles skirted 2 lakes and sat on a coffin stone for a rest!  One other note, we passed many friendly walkers today and one of them was one of the Sky TV sports reporters!

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