Tuesday 29 September 2015

Windermere to Bowness and Back - Lake District

Tuesday 29th September 2015

We have been coming to the Lake District on and off now for eight years and up until last year mostly in the school summer holidays.  I can safely say that this week the weather in the Lake District has been far better than any weather we have had at the height of summer, its been amazing.  

Today we drove to Windermere for a circular walk to Bowness, along Lake Windermere and back up to the car.  It was really pleasant wandering through the backstreets of Windermere, but Bowness was  busy with what seemed like thousands of tourists milling about by the lake.  It didn't take us long however, to get away from the crowds to the peace and quiet of a park at the edge of the Lake where we had lunch and I tested the water.  It was a very relaxing spot to sit and watch the comings and goings on the Lake but a couple of black headed gulls spent the whole time having a disagreement in front of us, which was less than peaceful!

The clock tower at Windermere (we managed to find a tiny magnetic geocache on the railings behind this!)

War Memorial.

Boats for hire at Bowness - not today thanks!

The view from our lunch stop.

Looking towards the Helvellyn range.

There are always lots of water fowl at Bowness, all very used to people.  Here we have a canada goose nearest the Lake and a greylag goose.

Such a calm place.

We walked alongside the Lake, where there was what looked like a school party out on the water in kayaks, they appeared to be having a great time!

Another sneaky geocache found in a money tree stump disguised as a 2p coin, which when pulled out contained the cache. Ingenious!

Walking back up from the Lake.

Another beautiful sunny day, 6 miles walked and another area explored. No complaints from me!

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