Sunday 20 September 2015

Worth Matravers to St Alban's Head

Thursday 17th September 2015

It was a funny afternoon weather wise today, we started our walk in Worth Matravers where it was sunny, walked out to St Albans Head where it was very windy and then overlooking Chapman's Pool it started to rain, all in a couple of hours, never mind, never a dull moment!

Strip lynchets at Winspit.

A harvest scene.

Yesterday it rained hard all afternoon so today there's plenty of mud and water about!

St Aldhelm's Chapel at St Alban's Head, we've been here before but not been inside, so today we had a look and found this..............

graffiti from 1665 and 1636!

This bit of the walk has steep steps going down and even steeper steps going back up (note the person in white just going up the steps on the other side).

Down I go!

Once up the other side there was a very convenient seat from which I took this moody little number!  The wind was getting up at this point.....

...... as you can see!

As luck would have it the Waverley Paddle Steamer went by as we walked along the cliff path.

Exposed to Weather, you're not kidding - as it started to rain here!  Luckily the rain didn't come to much and we finished our walk walking through harvested fields.  

Before returning to Swanage we went to take a look at Woodhenge, something that has been created by the landlord of the local pub in Worth Matravers and has attracted much attention locally.  It was brilliant.

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