Thursday 1 August 2013

Southampton Attractions and Go Rhinos (part 2)

Thursday 1st August 2013

We walked another part of the Go Rhinos trail in Southampton City Centre this morning.  It was a beautiful hot morning, just right for hunting rhinos!!  It was fairly busy around the trail now that the schools have broken up for the summer holidays but we managed to photograph most of the rhinos without other people in them.  

We realised today that we don't appreciate the lovely parks in the city centre, they are very pleasant, well kept and peaceful so we have decided to come back another day and have a really good look round.  I haven't really been through the parks for years, probably not since I was at the Technical College (as it was then), which was some time ago now!  There are some lovely new areas in the parks, and I think they are well worth a visit.

We passed lots of places of interest on our walk, most of which can be seen in the following photos.
Above Bar/Ogle Road  - this rhino is covered in penguins.

Palmerston Park Bandstand.

East Park

East Park Mosaic Garden

Entrance to East Park opposite the Cenotaph.

In Watts Park, there was work going on to touch up this rhinos paintwork.   I can't believe that vandals have attacked quite a few of the rhinos, I just don't understand some people.

Watts Park

The junction of Commercial Road and Above Bar Street.

Guildhall Square - this rhino has images from plays and musicals painted on it that have been at the Mayflower Theatre over the years.

Outside of the Art Gallery.

At the SeaCity Museum.

And lastly my absolute favourite of the day, this is Glint, who is covered in tiny mosiac mirrors, standing in front of the Guildhall, fab.

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