Monday 19 August 2013

Beaulieu Road Station

Monday 19th August 2013

Despite it being the school holidays and the height of the tourist season it is still possible to get away from people in the New Forest.  This morning we walked from Beaulieu Road Station and only passed a few people - a few miles away in Lyndhurst it was probably very busy!  Beaulieu Road Station is where regular pony sales take place and it looks like a smart new building is being built to house the sales?

We went to find a new geocache that was only published yesterday - we have done most of the caches in the New Forest so it is always good to have a new one to visit. 
Looking across the heather covered heath to Fawley Refinery and Power Station - Hi Adam!!

Near the cache was this apple tree absolutely loaded with apples

The sun had well and truly come out by now and it was getting quite hot but the ponies had the right idea, finding one of the only bits of shade to be had, under the railway bridge.

On the other side of this bridge there is a pen which is used when rounding up the New Forest ponies.
On this pen there are lots of examples of the different brands which are used for marking horses.

Not even the trains rushing by can really disturb the peace.

Taking a bit of a risk and living on the edge this caterpillar was slowly making it's way across the footpath.  I have tried to identify it but I can't find it in my books.

Edited on 20/08/13 The person with brains in this household looked the caterpillar up on the internet and told me it's a Fox Moth caterpillar which apparently feeds on brambles and heather and it was on a path on a heathland covered in heather.

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