Monday 26 August 2013

Crawley and Littleton

Bank Holiday Monday 26th August 2013

On a very warm and humid Bank Holiday Monday afternoon we chose an area to cache in where we thought there would be no people and we were right, we only saw two cyclists in just over three miles. We successfully found five geocaches that were very well hidden in amongst bushes and stinging nettles and failed to find one that must have been very well covered in undergrowth. We started out in full sunshine with no shade then went into a wooded shady area where there were lots of these plants glowing brightly amongst the ivy. 

Lords and Ladies - apparently this plant has more folk names than any other British plant. Lords and Ladies refers to the black spots on many of it's leaves recalling the days when the rich wore black beauty spots to cover pimples.  Cuckoo Pint is another of it's names.

Some fields of wheat have been harvested already and some are still looking epic.

Oh right - you'd have a bit of a job on!

The fields of maize are growing nicely.

Next we saw a large group of guinea fowl on the footpath but they soon scattered when they saw or heard us.

Straw bales ready to be transferred to the barn.

Shortly after I had taken this photo a small lizard ran very speedily across the road in front of us and my could it move, it certainly wasn't hanging around for us to admire it.  

Then it was back to a very hot car that was in direct sun - phew, sweltering!!!

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