Sunday 18 August 2013

Hockley Viaduct to St Cross (Winchester)

Sunday 18th August 2013

Today's three mile walk was from the disused Hockley Viaduct to St Cross in Winchester, along the River Itchen.  
The Hockley Viaduct (just before a heavy shower of rain).

Luckily we had taken our coats as shortly after taking this photo we had a short sharp shower of rain.  We sheltered for a while under an old tree, but even then the rain got through so we gave up and walked on.

Rain!!! (on a pond)

The Hospital of St Cross.

We walked past the Hospital of St Cross then came across a tree with very funky fruits - I think it's a lime tree of some sort.

Lime tree fruits.

The River Itchen.

We returned via a posh footpath (which follows the route of the old A33 before the M3 was built) alongside the Itchen Navigation in the shadow of St Catherine's Hill and back to the Hockley Viaduct.  We walked  up onto the viaduct which has recently been done up as a cycle friendly path with lowered walls tomake the most of the views.

A bit of blue sky up on the viaduct where we found a sneaky small geocache.

Looking down from the viaduct onto the field in which we sheltered from the rain earlier.

 Back at the car we saw these lovely teasels alongside the footpath.

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