Friday 23 August 2013

Swans & Ducklings - Guess Where We've Been Again?

Friday 23rd August 2013

Having no imagination today we went for another two and a half mile walk on Southampton Common.  I was expecting it to be busy as it's the school summer holidays but there were less people than usual.  We had a stop to check out the swan family who were all present and correct, in fact they were all chilled out and relaxed with lots of preening and stretching going on.
Just floating around.

There was a fair bit of this leg in the air carry on!

I then noticed another family on the other side of the lake so we went to take a look and look what we found.........

Sitting on a little ledge on the edge of the lake was a family of mallards.  I'm not so sure that the far one was very happy with us!  There were three other ducklings spread out on the ledge and mum was keeping an eye on them all from above.

They are just the cutest things.

The common is a very relaxing place and we spent a pleasant hour there, although it could all get a bit busier and noisier later on as the fair is set up and ready to go.

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