Monday 26 August 2013

Baby Robin

Monday 26th August 2013

We have had robins in the garden on and off for years, but they have never been particularly friendly despite my best efforts to make friends.  However, we are hoping this may have changed as there has been a baby robin around for a few weeks (not the one I blogged about earlier in the summer, that one seems to have gone off elsewhere) who doesn't appear to be bothered by us in the garden.  This morning - we forgot the dreaded watering again last night - whilst watering some young plants the baby robin came within feet of us in search of insects on the wet soil.  He looked so light and agile and very very cute!  He/she didn't go a bundle on the click of the camera so we only took one photo, we didn't want to push our new found friendship! He/she looks a bit tatty but that's just where new feathers are coming through and the distinctive red breast is on it's way. 

Just the best!

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