Monday 29 July 2013

To the Pub and a Roe Deer

Monday 29th July 2013

Today brought a surprise that's for sure.  On the spur of the moment my daughter and I decided to walk to the pub for this afternoon's walk - a walk's a walk after all!  It's a mile to the pub from home and after a quick drink we wandered back.  Not far from home is a cut way that we use to get back to our estate, well just opposite this cut way I happened to notice a deer - a roe deer - he or she saw us too so we stood looking at one another across the main road.  It looked at us, decided we were far enough away not to worry about and carried on munching at the hedgerow.  It kept an eye on us but appeared not to care about the traffic going by.  At this point we decided to leave it to it in case we frightened it into the road.  We wanted to take a photo but because we were close to home I didn't bother taking the camera as I didn't think we'd see anything - typical!!  (and it would have been a blob on the horizon if I had taken it with my phone).  You just never know do you?

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