Monday 29 July 2013

Stuck in the Mud

Sunday 28th July 2013

I posted a photo in a recent blog of how the ground had dried up considerably since the wet winter and spring.  Well, today I know it has dried up for sure and that it was obviously very wet at one time, how do I know this ................
............. because we came across an abandoned wellie well stuck in the dried up mud, oh how it made us laugh (not so sure the owner of the wellie will have found it so funny) !!!!!!

We had a quick walk at Stoney Cross in the Forest again today and didn't come across any particularly wet ground.

The sky once again looks washed out but in fact it was blue with little white clouds in between. Just after taking this photo we saw a couple of deer mooching around not far from us, apart from that there wasn't much else to report.

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