Sunday 7 July 2013

Late Sunday Evening Walk

Sunday 7th July 2013 - 100th Post

It was so so hot today we couldn't face a walk during the day, it was more than enough to just sit in the garden and swelter (even in the shade).  I did however come across this funky frog whilst watering the poor dried out garden.  We have had a frog in the garden for quite a few years, I have no idea how long they live but maybe it's the same one?  We don't have a pond, so it's a wonder he or she is happy here.

At around 7.30pm we felt more inclined to go out walking so we popped to the forest for a two mile brisk walk at Long Cross - a few miles from Brook.

We came across this great swathe of foxgloves, they looked very epic and unfortunately this photo doesn't do them justice.

Back at the car park the sun was going down, not something we tend to see on our walks normally!

Well, that's it, post 100 done,  I started this blog at the end of December last year so that I could compare things easily from one year to the next, and it's been easier than I thought and I have really enjoyed it.  It's certainly made me remember to take the camera everywhere I go if nothing else!

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