Tuesday 16 July 2013

Goodworth Clatford - Near Andover

Tuesday 16th July 2013

For the past two weeks it has been far too hot for walking - at least for me it has.  Today however we decided to get on with it and get out despite the heat.  Back eighteen months ago we visited this area to do part of a circuit of geo-caches and today we came back to finish off the circuit.  We managed to successfully find seven and didn't find one (it was too hot to spend too long searching high and low!!!) on a four mile walk.  We found the first few caches in the village itself, a lovely quiet pretty place.  We then walked through farmland, alongside rivers and back to the village.

A field of wheat coming along nicely.
Wheat close up.

Through a tree lined archway to the heat haze.

 It's funny but very often if we are walking alongside a river there are weeds floating down it, well today we found a man at work actually clearing the weeds in the River Anton.

The next good looking crop we came across was barley.

Lunch at the Royal Oak in Goodworth Clatford was absolutely delicious!

A perfect seed head.

We headed for close to the village church to find a geocache and as it was so hot we popped into the church for a cool off.  The stained glass windows were amazing in the sunlight.

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