Friday 26 July 2013

Longparish - East of Andover

Friday 26th July 2013

We decided to attempt a circuit of seventeen geocaches at Longparish near Andover today. The walk was just over three and a half miles so with seventeen caches to do we were obviously stopping every few minutes!  It was a really well thought out circuit with very pleasant views and we didn't meet any other people at all.  Todays notes need to include that we saw a hare on the footpath not far away from us, we saw a field of freshly shorn alpacas (and don't they look funny all skinny and bare!) and there were lots of bees on the wild flowers at one point which was good to see.  All along the paths there were masses of butterflies too, and every time I tried to get a photo of one, despite being stealthy, they either closed  their wings or flew away - do I smell or something?

This is a plant we in our family have always called the ball bush, I have no idea what it's really called, but it's covered in lots of sticky little balls that end up stuck to everything if you happen to rub against them  - our cat sometimes used to come in with them stuck to him too - simple things and all that!!!!

View across the fields - looking rather yellow now.

A thatched barn in need of a new roof!

Freshly shorn alpaca (shame it turned away!)

After that very wet winter, it's definitely drying up now.

Sloes coming on nicely.

One of the more unusual cache containers today - a plastic crow well hidden in a tree.

At this very nice spot on the River Test, having completed the circuit with very hot feet, I paddled in the cool clear water - absolute bliss!

This swan was having a fab time splashing, wing flapping and rolling in the river having a proper clean and preen.

As a final note, we found all seventeen of the caches successfully and thoroughly enjoyed the circuit, especially with some more unusual containers which made a change.

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