Saturday 6 July 2013

Anderwood and Ant Hills

Saturday 6th July 2013

This morning we actually managed to get moving early for once and left home at just gone 9am.  We  parked at Anderwood and had a three mile walk before it got too hot.  This afternoon has been really hot and I dropped our daughter at work just now (6pm) and the car thermometer reckons it's still 26C, it feels like it too.  Anyway back to this morning, we found a few clues to a multi-cache near here a few weeks ago so we came back to find the rest.  Well, the clue was something to do with the number of letters engraved on a gatepost and how many diagonals there were on the actual gate.  We could have answered this if the gate hadn't been completely destroyed during forestry operations over the last few months!!!  There was no chance of going any further with this cache so we gave up and carried on with our walk anyway, some you win, some you lose!  

There are no pictures of dead things today!  We didn't see much alive let alone dead!  I saw a vole scurrying off away from us at speed and a few birds and that was about it.

Taken from the car park at Anderwood.

A nice orderly line of ponies who were not bothered by us at all.

We had to cross this ford, fine on a day like today, not so sure what it would be like in wetter times!

Towards the end of our walk we saw about five or six quite big ant hills, it was a case of take the photo and get moving quick before the ants were on the move up your leg!  In fact, it's making me itch now just thinking about it.  These were the big wood ants.

There are still  plenty of foxgloves about providing a splash of colour here and there.  This foxglove was back at the car park, where it had started to get quite busy with what looked like a large family get together so it was time to get on home for lunch.  

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