Wednesday 17 April 2013

Watergate Bay

Wednesday 17th April 2013

Today we visited Trerice   a National Trust property near Newquay, it was a smaller than usual property but I really liked it, I could live there quite easily.

After lunch we drove along the coast to Watergate Bay, a place I have known for years, but things are moving on there, with Jamie Oliver having a Fifteen restaurant there and some brand new self catering apartments being built into the cliff.  These are supposedly in keeping with the local area???  Anyway, it was brisk on the beach again today, I was still in need of coat and gloves and goggles would have been useful too as the sand was being blown across the beach at speed  (not good for a contact lens wearer!). 

Watergate Bay

Swallows are in abundance  here in the South West, in fact we had a nice chat with a lady out walking the other day who commented that she had seen her first swallow of the year, well we must have seen hundreds now.  The other thing that there is plenty of at the moment is gorse and it's distinct smell of coconut.

We went to Padstow in the evening, geocaching and came across a field of sheep eating goodness knows what, the remains of some crop or other but they seemed keen on it whatever it was.

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