Thursday 18 April 2013

Constantine Bay to Trevose Head

Thursday 18th April 2013

Constantine Bay

Booby's Bay just after a shower of rain.

We walked the South West Coast path from Constantine Bay to Trevose Head and back then on to Treyarnon Bay and back, a walk of about 5.75 miles.  We saw plenty of birds and some I haven't mentioned this week include, a sparrowhawk, stonechats, a meadow pipit and skylarks.
Trevose Head Lighthouse

Just after the lighthouse at Trevose Head we saw about 6 - 8 gannets flying low across the sea, quite a sight.

After lunch we passed through Mother Iveys Bay where we saw another seal playing in the sea, it's just like buses you don't see one for ages and 3 come along at once!

Lastly I could mention the weather, it has been a lovely sunny day for most of the day apart from a short sharp shower at Booby's Bay  - where a lady walked by in a swimsuit, shorts and barefeet - I had coat and gloves on but hey ho each to their own!! - but the wind is still very strong and cold - very cold!

The wind was especially cold this evening in Padstow, 9pm.

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