Monday 8 April 2013


Monday 8th April 2013

On the way to visit family in Swanage we stopped off at Holmebridge on the River Frome near Wareham
where we had a short walk to find a geocache.  It is a very pleasant spot and one we often stop off at. 

Whilst there we saw a Buzzard being 'dive bombed' by crows or rooks, it soon got fed up with that and took to the skies. 

On the muddy banks there were some intriguing little footprints, I had a book with me to look them up but it didn't really help, to me they all look pretty similar, we thought perhaps they were water vole prints?

We spent a lazy afternoon chatting and not doing much so in the early evening after we said goodbye to the family we headed a mile down the road to the beach at Swanage.  The sun was trying to make an appearance but the wind was still icy and people were wandering around well rugged up in scarves, gloves and hats - good old British weather!

Looks inviting, feels freezing!

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